From the Mic - Bill Culhane
Written by Bryan Miller on 6:49 AM
Hey Bobcat fans! I hope that you and yours have enjoyed a great, safe summer. Thankfully, the time has come to get back after it. For those of you new to this blog, this is where I give my weekly, or so, thoughts and observations on what's taking place around the world of Bobcat athletics. As the finishing touches are put on our outstanding website, there will be a specific home for this blog and others. I hope you enjoy.
How 'bout we make '10-'11 a Maroon and Gold kind of year?!
So, where are your seats this season? Fact: Every single coach and student-athlete at Texas State speaks with sincere, unwavering appreciation on the positive impact our fans have on our Bobcats. This Fall, Coach Wright (football), Coach Chisum (volleyball), Coach Conner (Soccer) and there respective teams need you and your abundance of Bobcat Pride out at the games. Thanks for doing your vital part to light the star on Jackson Hall!
As our football team's Fall Camp 2010 came to a close this past weekend, Coach Wright expressed how excited he is about the upcoming season and that gets me even more fired up. If you aren't getting better, you're getting worse. There are plays, quarters, and games that are won in the offseason and, as Coach Wright and I talked about, that is a good thing for the 'Cats as 2010 approaches. I noticed all summer long that there were MANY Bobcat football players who committed themselves to the summer workout program and it shows (chemistry, speed, strength, athleticism, depth).
We look forward to seeing you at the football season opener @Houston. If you can't make it to Robertson on September 4th, then we will for sure have a nice spot waiting for you as we host Southern Arkansas on Sep 11th.
The new turf that makes up Jim Wacker Field at Bobcat Stadium is absolutely spectacular. Close your eyes and take a second to do a recollection of our football home five years ago. Now, go by and see it today...night and day folks. Congrats to Dr, Teis, Derek Grice, our Administration, others in the athletics department, and our loyal and supportive fans and friends for turning Bobcat Stadium into a jewel. As most of you know by now, the kicker is that Bobcat Stadium is only going to get better as we turn the pages of the calendar.
Trivia Question: The Bobcats won the SLC and went 8-5 in 2008, followed by a 7-4 record a season ago. Since entering the Southland Conference, when was the last time the Bobcat football team had three straight winning seasons? Check the next blog for the answer.
Reminder: If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me at
Eat em up Cats!